Stop using the law as your cover to trample on citizens right - Oby Ezekwesili speaks on Deji Adeyanju's arrest
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2:21 AM
Presidential aspirant, Oby Ezekwesili has reacted to news of the arrest of Deji Adeyanju who led an anti Buhari protest in Abuja yesterday.
According to Oby, 'with this story of arrest of Deji Adeyanju&others who protested in Abuja today, let me advise the government of Buhari, just tune down the intolerant acts now. Police, stop repressing Citizens’ right to dissent. #FreeDejiNow! Do this NOW or earliest tomorrow'.
She added that, 'let Citizens like Adeyanju Deji exercise their rights and should they violate the law, Make it explicit what and how they broke any law. Police, stop using the law as your cover to trample on Citizens right. #CitizensFirst has the right to protest against anything'